2008 / 2010
After embracing the themes of dreams and imagination, of the emptiness and fairytales, through collections that featured different works joined by their unique way of interpreting a story, Luca Sacchetti start realizing in 2008 a series of works, each inspired by its own individual theme. Each piece, therefore, assumes its own narrative and an increasingly sculptural dimension without neglecting its functionality. Materials are chosen purely on their suitability to the artistic intent and the process of creation tends towards an increasingly handcrafted and experimental application of the production techniques so much so that these works may be considered as the first steps towards the statement of a design concept interpreted as art design rather than design art.
2007 / 2009
Along his creative path, Luca Sacchetti lingers on the symbolic value of design objects to tell the fairy tale of life. Armchairs, sofas and tables abstractly represent moments of an existential journey, expressing the author’s desire to enhance thoughts and actions through recollection in everyday living. Shapes and materials become transpositions of individual and collective memories, a physical reference of occurrences and emotional influences. A fairy tale is a narrative instrument that decodes the symbolisms used to represent situations of daily heroicness: facing fear “armed with the sword of truth and the shield of virtue” to achieve happiness. The Castle of Aurora marks the fairy-tale beginning, the first chapter of human odyssey in search of love. The entire castle structure is formed and protected by the feminine curvilinear, transparent as who does not have nothing to hide and therefore is vulnerable to envy and jealousy. A frame of life for the cozy chair transparency is created by cylindrical towers alternating themselves with squared and angular dwellings, in a use of alternated position and color. The Gift of Good Fairies is the sign of hope, of wait for the day will come after the last day of the hoped event. Conical and circular forms filled of light interfere with the damage accomplishment and send back to the sword knight the enchantment dissolution. The light will show him the way and the spherical will support him in his venture. The Sleeping Castle marks the presence-absence of the audience. Sleep freezes minds preventing it to take part to the happenings not even as a simple observer. To be “not aware” helps the opinions and feelings absence but causes fissures and fractures like ice melting itself in his own conscience building. The Bed of Aurora is the crystal coffin of who believes and knows to wait. Sign of death for the disenchanted and of redemption for the dreamer. The seat conical wall protects from external interferences and allows by the music rain to remember our own dreams supporting us in the wait. The loneliness feeling is melted by the materials transparency and allow us to be within even if we are outside the reality. It will be up to the knight to smash appearance and love who is able to believe. The Forest of Thorns tells the story of facing a “virtual” reality by overcoming its obstacles: by learning “how to brandish a sword”, you can penetrate into the forest of thorns, the forest of the unconscious, and find your way out. Hence, metal tubes mix with crystal surfaces to depict a clearer vision of the woods; a support for the imaginary world and an obstacle to creation at the same time. And after confronting one’s own dragon...true love can be awaken. The chaise-longue The Kiss represents the end of the fairy tale, of the odyssey of man’s search for love. It represents the “magical harmony” that for so long has been expected and desired. The flexible, sinuous and rounded feminine form blends with the more masculine squared, angular shape through one hundred and five metal tubes. At a first view an unstable union but the sharing of air and earth, in their transparency of sentiments and materials, finally generates harmony and stability. and when he saves her... she saves him.