The work is intended to be a public call to human beings to drop the mask, the veil under which the true self is hidden. Proposing one's identity and no longer one's image is the only way to ensure the survival and evolution of the human species and rediscover respect for ethnic and cultural differences and the dignity and depth of human relationships.
I begin with myself. With this work I show myself naked disclosing who I really am with my dreams, health problems, troubles of love, my path of tears and my sexual identity that contemplates both sexual genders, being therefore finally free to portray myself in the role of Frida Kahlo. The act of showing the true self in public avoid the constant recourse to theatrical fictions and to an external author who is in charge of describing who the characters on stage really are as in "Six characters in search of an author" by Luigi Pirandello .
The improper use of power as well as of money converts an oasis into a desert of salt, the well-being of a nation in a sterile and dying geo-political state.